Friday, 4 January 2013

Calling a restlet from a suitelet

I guess you are trying to call a restlet from a suitelet and pass some json object to the restlet. Here we go

Suitelet part

//url of the restlet
var url = copy the url of the restlet here...

//creating a Json object
var jsonObj = new Object();
jsonObj.fruit1 = "apple";
jsonObj.fruit2 = "mango";
var myJson = JSON.stringify(jsonObj);

var headers = new Array();
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
headers['Authorization'] = 'NLAuth nlauth_email=your netsuite email id, nlauth_signature=password, nlauth_account=account id, nlauth_role=role';

To know your account id, just click here. For role, just write there '3' (for adminstrator account) , for the time being.

//calling restlet
var restletResponse = nlapiRequestURL(url, myJson, headers, null, "POST");

//getting response
var responseText = restletResponse.getBody();

you can use this responseText to get the response from restlet.
Now as we are done with suitelet, how to read this data in the restlet. Here is the code.

//getting data from datain
var fruit1=datain.fruit1;
var fruit2=datain.fruit2;

Hope this was helpful.
Any suggestion to improve the blog are most welcomed.

Dont Know your Account ID

Ahhh, so you dont know your account ID. No problem , just go through these few simple steps and you will know it.

setup >>> integration >>> web service preferences

fwwww, so simple.

CSV Import in Netsuite

Lets see how this CSV thing works in Netsuite.

This is a sample code to load a CSV file (already present in your file cabinet) and submit it.CSV works only in restlet, schedule script and bundle installation.

var csvMap = '6'; //saved CSV import id(read below to set this)
var csvFile = nlapiLoadFile("948"); //csv file id from file cabinet                
var csvImport = nlapiCreateCSVImport();//creating a new csv import
csvImport.setMapping(csvMap);//setting import map
csvImport.setPrimaryFile(csvFile.getValue());//file to be imported
csvImport.setOption("jobName", "job1");//setting job status' job name       
var csvSubmitId = nlapiSubmitCSVImport(csvImport);//submitting the CSV

You can use this code , but first you need to set the CSV map.To do this,see below

Setup >>> Import/Export >>> Import CSV Record

Import Assistant page opens up.

Step 1 :
select the record type from the import type list (customer, employee,etc.)
Click on select button , browse and upload your csv file for mapping.

Step 2: look carefully and select the options of your choice.

Step 3:

Step 4: The main step

Select a field from field mapping window and map it to a netsuite field(remember to edit the mapping)

Step 5: done

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The Inception

Well , this is my first post and so i would like to tell what this blog is all about.

I am new to netsuite and i am enjoying scripting. While i am going through this learning phase, i thought to share whatever i learn as i never found a good website that tells all about netsuite.

I hope that you will find my blog helpful.